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STREAMLINK[-27]INSTALLER [Für das Pure2 Image]

    • STREAMLINK[-27]INSTALLER [Für das Pure2 Image]

      Installer und Livestream Updater für Pure2 Images

      Streamlink Plugin - is a Livestreamer for Windows, macOS, Linux and BSD
      Streamlink [-27] - Powered by Billy2011 Vu + Forum for Enigma2
      Streamlink [-27] Installer - [Streamlink [-27] as Installer with alle Packages and Plugins with Livestreams

      • Lade das Streamlink[-27]Installer Plugin runter, installiere es
      • Starte die Box neu und öffne das Plugin, anschließend klickst auf INSTALL STREAMLINK [-27]
      • Jetzt kannst du die Plugins runterladen, diese beinhalten Livestreams
      Installation instruction
      • Download the Streamlink plugin from the feed
      • After restart you open Streamlink and click on INSTALL STREAMLINK [-27]
      • Now you can download the plugins, they contain live streams

      about.jpg2.2.jpgblue zoom.jpg

      • v.0.7 - with a new surface structure
      • v.0.8 - now with updater
      • v.0.9 - installers have been fixed
      • v.1.0 - instreamlink installer now with automatic download of the serviceapp (thanks to Gorki for Feedback)
      • v.1.1 - NTV RU added
      • v.1.2 - SSH101 added
      • v.1.3 - add Auto Updater + new Desing
      • v.1.4 - add Espania & Portugues
      • v.1.5 - add EXYUGO
      • v.1.6 - add ARD /ZDF
      • v.1.7 - add MJUNONN
      • v.1.8 - add VTV Vietnam
      • v.1.9 - THVLi TV Vietnam & RU added
      • v.2.0 - at the beginning there is a curl query, if it is missing it will be installed
      • v.2.1 - add INDIA CHANNELS
      • v.2.2 - fixed Bugs
      Debug output, especially important to see why a stream won't play:

      If there are any problems with individual plugins, the following command can be used to output the debug on the Telnet console
      be started:
      / usr/sbin/streamlinksrv manualstart debug
      The debug output can be stopped at any time with Ctrl + C

      the server must then be restarted.
      usr/sbin/streamlinksrv start

      if you cant start streamlinksrv you must be kill it
      fuser -k 8088/tcp
      and start again