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OpenPli and CI+

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    • OpenPli and CI+

      Hi guys, I'm trying to find out if there is any way to make a CI+ working on a OpenPli image (specifically the RC 6.1), I've tried with a couple of version (2.3r01 and 4.2r0) of the cipluseheler plug-in but non success, I'm wondering if any other version could work or there is another workaround solution.

      Thanks in advance for a solution.

      Made of 100% recycled bits!

    • The CI+ Helper Version 2.3r01 and 4.2r0 from here is specially for OpenATV and not for OpenPli or other images.
      I don’t know that give a ci+ helper for openpli, because i don't use it.
      Maybe an other user know something about it.

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