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DVR-Studio HD3 use in 40 different languages

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    • DVR-Studio HD3 use in 40 different languages


      our Software DVR-Studio HD3 is multilingual and offers 40 different languages.

      Open the settings from the HD logo menu of DVR-Studio HD3.

      This section will always be shown first:
      Choose a language you prefer:

      German : Select the button 'Deutsch'.
      English : Select the button 'English'.
      User : Choose any other language.

      The user menu sign provides several languages. Once the language is chosen the language file will automatically be loaded from our server to be applied.


      All 40 languages are machine - translated.

      For sure its not a perfect translation but it helps a lot if you are not familiar to german or english.

      Further you can create your own translation with our editor.

      The required editor can be loaded at our download site at the section ‚Miscellaneous' or at that link.

      In case you have your own translation you can send it to us. We can add it to the server for download by our software.

      The editor is offered by a link ‚Add your own language with help of the Text-Editor...'.
      The editor includes its own manual.
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      Mit freundlichen Grüßen
      Ralf Haenlein

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