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Sat-Land Gemini Addon Server

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    • Sat-Land Gemini Addon Server

      Sat-Land Gemini Addon Server

      Everybody knows that the IHAD 22.01.2011. The ability to shut down direct download from a server in Gemini DreamBox receivers.
      So, from today you can download cams,plugins,skins,picons....soon added settings,keys,locale....

      Also,soon The Sat-Land Team will make for E2 boxes

      Download the attackment,unnzip and send the useraddon.xml to var / tuxbox / config ... for DM 500+ to var/etc

      Sat-Land Team

      >> zum Eintrag in der Datenbank <<
      MfG, Biker

      Ke Erger, ke Töibi, ke Stress
      FRAGEN GEHÖREN INS FORUM und nicht in mein Postfach !

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