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Dreamboxedit 4.0.1 nur für Enigma2

    • Dreamboxedit 4.0.1 nur für Enigma2


      hier: Dreamboxedit 4.0.1 nur für Enigma2

      - fixed sorting services in bouquet panel was broken after adding channel numbers to the bouquet panel
      - fixed error when sorting bouquets with cable and terrestrial services
      - fixed some other functions were also broken after adding channel numbers to the bouquet panel
      - fixed hour glass didn't get away after loading new settings
      - fixed error message when using picon cleanup function and filename wasn't using proper picon reference format
      - fixed alternatives are no longer considered as duplicates of fixed services in the same user bouquet
      - fixed alternatives handling, now you can use the same service with and without alternatives in one user bouquet
      - fixed blacklist entry for radio user bouquets
      - fixed all files are now written in proper settings-type 4 format
      - fixed auto insert markers for cable and terrestrial services
      - added Enigma2 restart button to ftp window, use this button to activate any changes related to lamedb and/or black-/whitelist
      use the autoreload or "reload settings on dreambox" button if you only change your userbouquets
      - added sorting of profiles in options panel
      - changed satellites in filter combobox are now sorted by position from west to east
      - changed profile default paths to enigma2 defaults
      - window state is now saved on application close, and restored when application is started
      - some minor fixes
      - language files updated

      mfg a.nili

      Zum Eintrag in der Datenbank
      mfg a.nili

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