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Transfer root-files

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    • Transfer root-files


      I have a DGSTATION AB IPBox MUTANT-200S running as a Dreambox DM500 with Gemini 4.1.0. The IPBox is on free card share and I have obtained its root-files, but some of the files in the proc folder couldn't be copied.
      Now instead of the IPBox I want to run the free card share through my original Dreambox DM7000-S. Therefore I want to know, which files from the IPBox needs to be transferred to the DM7000-S. Currently I am using the PLi image on the DM7000-S, and I would prefer that I can use that with card share, but if its better to use another, I wouldn't mind. I know the person running the free card share servers, and he doesn't mind, but he is too busy to help me.
      I have read the forum rules, and I don't think it goes against them to ask what I am asking, but if it does I am sorry and apologize. If its OK, then I would appreciate any help.

      Thanks in advance from baseman007