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Suchergebnisse 1-3 von insgesamt 3.

  • I want to change email adress with my new email adress as gmail. System is not allow. What can I do.?

  • Dsmart CI

    mustafatr - - Türkisches Forum


    Hi Guys; Trouble that modül Dsmart doesn’t run is solved in openspa 6.0.011’s image, by friend sharing in the other forum. My friend says that image that is run Dsmart modül make a back up of "dvb.ko." which is located Lib/modüles/3.9.6/extra by flashxp. Load the openspa image on device, replace thebackup "dvb.ko." file with image of "dvb.ko." After than I sow that D smart modul run

  • Dsmart CI

    mustafatr - - Türkisches Forum


    Hi guys; I loaded the openspa 6.0 in gigablue HD800ue. But commen interface (CI) dosen't run. What can I do. Please help me.